Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Bucket List

Everyone needs a bucket list - a list of things to accomplish before they kick the bucket.  This is a list of the 100 most popular things people want to do before they die.  How many have you done so far?  How many are you going to do?  

#1           Name a star
#2           Get a pet
#3           Be an extra in a movie
#4           Kiss in the rain
#5           Graduate from college
#6           Go skydiving
#7           Swim with the dolphins
#8           Witness an eclipse
#9           Fall in love
#10         Get married
#11         Run a marathon
#12         Ride an elephant
#13         Write a book
#14         Learn to knit
#15         Send a message in a bottle
#16         Buy a house
#17         Learn to surf
#18         Go scuba diving
#19         Donate blood
#20         Fly in a hot air balloon
#21         Learn another language
#22         Have children
#23         Go skinny dipping
#24         Sleep under the stars
#25         Go bungee jumping
#26         Experience weightlessness
#27         Be in two places at once
#28         Sleep in an overnight train
#29         Meet someone famous
#30         Go to a concert
#31         Be part of a flash mob
#32         Plant a tree
#33         Go sailing
#34         Take a cooking class
#35         Volunteer in a third world country
#36         Save a life
#37         Learn to play chess
#38         Get your portrait painted
#39         Sing karaoke
#40         Sleep in a castle
#41         Take dance lessons
#42         Write a song
#43         Have a job that you love
#44         Go dog sledding
#45         Ride a Segway
#46         Attend an Olympic Games
#47         Road trip across the USA
#48         Walk on fire
#49         See an opera
#50         Learn yoga
#51         Do a polar bear swim
#52         Fly in a helicopter
#53         Take one photo a day for a year
#54         Milk a cow
#55         Shoot a gun
#56         Ride a horse
#57         Visit all 50 of the United States
#58         Build a snowman
#59         Shower in a waterfall
#60         Learn to play a musical instrument
#61         Go whale watching
#62         Visit every continent
#63         Stand on the equator
#64         See the 7 new wonders of the world
#65         Help build a Habitat for Humanity House
#66         Teach someone illiterate to read
#67         Learn to juggle
#68         Solve the Rubik’s cube
#69         Grow bonsai trees
#70         Start a collection of something
#71         Discover your life’s purpose
#72         Give a speech in public
#73         Be content with yourself
#74         Become a better listener
#75         Get a complete makeover
#76         Create your family tree
#77         Meet your grandchildren
#78         Create a yearly family tradition
#79         Learn to forgive
#80         Volunteer at a soup kitchen
#81         Quit a job you hate
#82         Go mud wrestling
#83         Ask for a raise
#84         Eat something you’ve grown
#85         Throw someone a surprise party
#86         Climb a mountain
#87         Ride a mechanical bull
#88         Go camping
#89         Write in your journal each day for a year
#90         Go one year without watching television
#91         Go snowboarding/skiing
#92         Have a bonfire on the beach
#93         Go to the airport and take the next random flight somewhere
#94         Swim the sharks
#95         Jump off a cliff into water
#96         Live abroad
#97         Get out of debt
#98         Go to a masquerade ball
#99         Go white water rafting
#100       Dance in the rain